Now what I do may not be exactly what you want, so here's a thought: I will be working on yet another test with even more needles and also with a smaller meter size. Yes, more meter needles and then the calibration of each one in the xml file that makes the skin can give a better appearing meter. and again I don't think that ability is part of Neb3 at this time. I have seen on the forums for the acqua plugins there is some way to add more meters but I don't think they are for things like multi track or say for surround. afaik the most you can have is 4 meters in Neb but I could be wrong. PS: I could have the meter face bright white easily but thought the 'dirt' looked better.īab. oh and btw, the needles all have shadows. So here is the look with just one needle: Just for the hellavit, I took your original meter example and did some PS work on it.
Since all the other controls are meaning less for this use, they could be made invisible in the skin. It needs to have two for the input side and two for the output side. Now what it certainly can have is stereo meters.
The most efficient method is to have just one meter face on the GUI background and then have it draw only the needles over that. plus we are never gonna get perfect read out accuracy.Ī decent Neb skin would use 30-36 png files, but it does not use a png stack. However it is way to many to use for a Neb skin. and that might work great if we had a vst programmer.